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- Гостиницы Пелопоннес3 776 отелей
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- Отель Akrolithi
Отель Akrolithi

Номера и цены
Расположение и проезд до гостиницы
Описание отеля
Для гостей работает ресторан. Хотите оставаться на связи? В отеле есть бесплатный Wi-Fi. Для путешественников на машине организована бесплатная парковка. Скучно не будет, ведь в отеле к услугам отдыхающих библиотека и площадка для пикника.
Если планируете экскурсии, обратите внимание на экскурсионное бюро отеля. Доступная среда: работает лифт. Гостям доступны и другие услуги. Например, прачечная.
Порядок проживания в отеле
- Время заезда
- С 14:00Заезд ранее 14:00 должен быть согласован с отелем и может потребовать дополнительной оплаты.
- Время выезда
- До 12:00Выезд позднее 12:00 возможен по запросу за дополнительную плату.
- Информация об оплате
- Информация о типе питания, включенном в стоимость, указана в деталях тарифа.
Please read the terms and conditions carefully before booking through the website. When you visit or use our website you accept the legal commitment arising from these terms and conditions as they are formed from time to time. These terms and conditions will form the basis of the agreement between you and all adults and / or minors participating in your reservation. By making this reservation you accept your commitment from the terms and conditions below.
* Use of the Website
We reserve the right to make changes or corrections, changes, suspensions or interruptions to any part of the Website at any time.
We do not provide any express or implied warranty, representation or approval regarding the Website or any information, service or product provided through the Website
* Prices
All users are advised to carefully check the information displayed before making any agreement. The availability, prices and cancellation apply to the charge listed for each room and you should carefully read the details provided for the charges before making an online reservation. Offers may have additional terms and conditions of cancellation specifically for the offer. It is recommended that you check them carefully before completing your reservation.
Each room will have terms and conditions depending on its capacity. It is recommended that you check these terms and conditions before making a reservation.
All accounts must be fully settled before departure.
-The hotel will make every effort to complete the reservation as best it can based on the information provided. However, it reserves the right to provide alternative services or at least equal value without additional charges for the visitor.
The visitor does not have the right to transfer the reservation to a third party or use the hotel facilities for purposes other than accommodation.
The hotel reserves the right to transfer to the guest any additional charges for goods and services requested during the stay of the visitor or caused by negligence of the visitor to comply with the agreed schedule of services.
Although the hotel has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained in the brochures, prices, ads and website is accurate, it reserves the right to modify, replace or withdraw any service, installation or provision without warning if necessary.
Despite these terms, the hotel is not responsible for any total or partial failure to meet its obligations to the customer in the event that any of the following circumstances occur:
Other unusual actions
Fire in the hotel or near it
Flood in or near the hotel
Disorders, differences or civil conflicts
Higher violence
* Legal prosecution against the hotel, which does not result from its negligence, which does not allow the provision of services.
The hotel may cancel the booking if the hotel or part of it is closed due to circumstances beyond its control. In this case the hotel will reimburse the amount paid but does not bear any other responsibility towards the visitor.
* Special Needs / Special Requirements
Any special needs or requests must be notified in writing in advance. No special requests can be guaranteed.
* If the room is rented for a certain period of time, the hotelier is not entitled to terminate the lease before the agreed time has elapsed, unless the customer:
Violates this Regulation
Get sick from a contagious disease or other illness that is bothering other hotel guests
It violates good morals
Limitation of Liability
* Responsibility of the hotel for loss or damage caused to its premises is not recognized.
The hotel does not attempt or limit liability for death or personal injury due to negligence in any way. The hotel is not responsible for the actions and / or omissions of its independent suppliers.
No liability is accepted in the event of theft, injury or illness of guests, representatives or visitors, or loss or damage of any kind if it was not the result of negligence on the part of the hotel or its employees.
Visitors are responsible for their insurance coverage.
The customer must leave the room by 11:00 a.m. The stay beyond this time and until 18:00 obliges the customer to pay half the rent. The stay beyond 18:00, obliges the customer to pay the entire rent for one day.
The check-in takes place from 15:00 p.m. on the day of detention.
* Pets
Keeping all kinds of pets inside the hotel is prohibited unless a special area specialist is available at the hotel. In any case, there should be a corresponding agreement between the hotelier and the consumer tourist on this issue.
* Visitor Damages
In the event of malicious, intentional or negligent damage to the room or hotel, you will be charged the amount or any loss incurred, including any loss from termination of work on the registered customer's credit / debit card. In case the payment of the customer was made by means other than credit / debit card and they cannot be addressed directly to the customer the hotel will initiate the legal procedure.
Guests are not allowed to bring wine, beer or other alcoholic beverages to the hotel for consumption.
* Visitor Code of Conduct
The hotel reserves the right to refuse access or expel any person deemed inappropriate.
* Health and Safety
The hotel follows local law, including one that governs fire protection.
* Copyright / Trademarks
The content of this website is the intellectual property of the hotel.
* Violations
In case of someone breaches the Regulation, the Customer or Hotel Owner may, if necessary, contact the Traffic Police or, in its absence, the other Police Authorities, who are obliged to provide any legal assistance and enforce the provisions of this Regulation.
In case the customer violates the provisions of this Regulation, systematically makes noise, disturbs other customers and generally behaves inappropriately to them and the staff, he will be held accountable for the consequences of the law. The hotel management is entitled to claim within 24 hours to leave the hotel and evacuate the room from his luggage.
Услуги гостиницы
- Бизнес
- Конференц-зал
- Интернет
- Бесплатный Wi-Fi
- Парковка
- Бесплатная парковка
- Питание
- Ресторан
- Развлечения
- Площадка для пикника
- Сад
- Терраса
- Экскурсионное бюро
- Услуги и удобства
- Библиотека
- Мебель на улице
- Прачечная
- Хранение багажа
Отель Akrolithi 4 звезды,
адрес на карте Итило, Neo Itylo Peloponnes, с характеристиками
номеров и возможностью онлайн бронирования
на ресурсе ВашОтель.RU
, стоимость проживания и удобства.
- на удалении ≈ 12 м.
- на удалении ≈ 62 м.
- на удалении ≈ 152 м.
- Центр Итила 2.1 км.
- Каламата 53.1 км.
- Китира 72 км.
- Аэропорт Порто Кхели 95.6 км.